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Both capacitive indicators derived from the water retention curve and dynamic measurements of the flow‐weighted mean pore radius, R0, were used to assess the soil physical quality of two agricultural areas (cropland and olive orchard) and two natural areas (grassland and managed woodlot plantation) potentially subject to soil degradation. The overall idea of the study was to investigate whether a dynamic indicator quantitatively derived from hydraulic conductivity measurements could be used to supplement the traditionally applied capacitive indicators retrieved from water retention measurements. According to the available criteria, only the surface layer of the cropland site showed optimal soil physical quality. In the grassland and woodlot sites, the physical quality was deteriorated also as a consequence of compaction because of grazing. Overall, the physical quality was better in tilled than nontilled soils. The optimal soil in terms of capacitive indicators had hydraulic conductivity close to saturation that was intermediate among the different land uses, and it remained 1·3–1·9 times higher than that observed in the natural sites even when the largest pores emptied. A depth effect on R0 was observed only when larger macropores were activated. It was suggested that water transmission parameters are more affected by changes in large pore domain. The plant available water content and Dexter's S‐index showed inverse statistically significant regressions with R0. The empirical relationships were physically convincing given that, at increasing R0, the contribution of macropores increases, water is transmitted faster below the root zone and the soil's ability to store water is reduced. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
湿地保护与管理之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对湿地保护与管理存在的问题进行了阐述 ,提出了科学合理的保护与管理建议 ,对今后湿地规划与开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   
嫩江沙地不同土壤质地类型起沙风速的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章研究将沙粒在风速达到沙粒的起动风速时沙粒的瞬间起动方式分为4种,即:滚动、跳跃、悬浮和飞扬4种。在嫩江沙地的3种典型土壤(沙质黏壤土、沙质壤土、风沙土)质地类型区域分别观测记录了沙粒在出现这4种情况时的瞬时风速值大小。经分析得出,在沙质黏壤土、沙质壤土和风沙土等3种土壤类型区域,若能将风速分别控制在6.3、6.4和7.2 m.s-1,即可有效防止风沙流的产生。  相似文献   
通过对宁夏南部半干旱退化山区不同土地利用方式土壤物理性质的定位监测,结果表明:半干旱退化山区采取不同土地利用方式,改善了土壤结构和肥力,增加了土壤的通透性,改变了土壤水肥气热状况。但不同措施对土壤理化性质的改善具有一定的差异性,"88542"水平沟整地(林地)对土壤的改良效果最好。  相似文献   
秭归县退耕还林水源涵养效益计量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林地是森林水源涵养效益的主体,通过对秭归县10种退耕还林模式的土壤物理性状和林地水源涵养效益的研究,结果表明:(1)退耕还林后土壤总孔隙度增加4·3%~20·2%,除柏木林外,非毛管孔隙度增加6·8%~494·2%;(2)退耕还林后土壤饱和蓄水量增加5·7%~118·8%,非毛管蓄水量为坡耕地的2·58~19·13倍;(3)秭归县退耕还林森林土壤的蓄水量为171·6万m3/a,是相似立地条件下农耕地的3·21倍。  相似文献   
太行山石质山地植被结构优化评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以太行山石质砂岩区山地植被为研究对象,在对典型植被类型综合调查的基础上,提出了评价山地植被水土保持效益的10项指标,并通过不同植被类型的水源涵养效能指标测定和径流小区泥沙对比分析,认为人工-天然复合植被类型的水土保持效果最好,乔木林最适郁闭度为0.6~0.7。阐述了突出水土保持、水源涵养功能的植被优化结构建设是太行山石质山地植被恢复的根本途径和防护林体系建设的重要内容。  相似文献   
The success of many intercropping systems in North America is attributable to the generation of a short term return from an agricultural crop during the early, unprofitable years of a longer term crop that is fruit, nuts or wood. This highly-efficient use of land and related profitability are important not only in the development of intercropping systems per se, but also in other applications which have tremendous potential independent of profitability. For example, intercropping can be effectively used during the establishment phases of hardwood plantations where it is essential to have a high level of weed control, the costs of which are often recovered with the agricultural production. Intercropping can also be used to grow trees rapidly and with a form that can be easily integrated into recreational or park situations, or urban fringe areas. In an urban context, intercropping can be used to grow trees in agricultural areas that are likely to be developed where traditional forestry options are not appropriate and the value of younger, thrifty trees may enhance property values far in excess of the cash value of the wood.  相似文献   
金沙江干热河谷区退耕还林适宜造林树种筛选研究   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
金沙江干热河谷上段退耕还林区适宜造林树种筛选结果:甜酸角、山毛豆、苏门答腊金合欢、新银合欢、久树、印度黄檀等适宜在海拔1400m以下地带造林,构树、木豆、坡柳、余甘子、川楝等适宜在海拔1600m以下地带造林,山合欢、黑荆树、墨西哥柏、干香柏等适宜在海拔1400~1600m地带造林。木豆、坡柳、山毛豆等可进行直播造林,山合欢、黑荆树、川楝、苏门答腊金合欢、新银合欢、久树等采用百日容器苗造林,甜酸角、墨西哥柏、干香柏、印度黄檀等采用1年生容器大苗造林效果更好。块状整地(规格40cm×40cm×40cm),施有机肥加一定量的N、P肥作基肥,塘底施放高丙体粉防治白蚁危害,于雨季初期择时取苗造林,造林后应防止种植塘积水。造林苗木选用充分木质化的粗大壮苗;造林后和雨季中、后期及时清除种植塘周围杂草。  相似文献   
多伦县风蚀地貌及风蚀量评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在多伦县沙漠化土地调查过程中,就其风蚀地貌进行了详细的研究。本文不仅论证了风蚀地貌的形成、类型和分布,而且以翔实的测定数据,并采用克拉瓦洛维克的风蚀强度公式计算了该地区不同景观类型区的风蚀量。以论据为基础,研讨了增加地表粗糙度的方法、成效以及防止或减缓风蚀的有效途径。  相似文献   
北京市居住区绿地植物组成及其物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨北京市五环内居住区绿地植物种类、结构以及植物群落特性,於2005年5~8月进行机械布点,共调查乔木样方180个,灌木样方200个,草本样方1 095个.结果表明:①北京市居住区共有维管束植物68科178属273种.②从市中心到五环梯度群落物种多样性特征为:物种丰富度草本层>灌木层>乔木层;均匀度乔木层、灌木层>草本层;多样性指数灌木层、草本层>乔木层.③绿地结构类型中,乔灌草交互组成的复层结构占优势.  相似文献   
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